Sunday, August 21, 2016


Dislike for Hillary Clinton- however competent she may be – is as widespread as the current disgust among many when they think of Donald Trump. And on the other side, the millions of who like Trump thoroughly, regardless his (in)competence, far outnumber those who positively want Hillary back in the White House. Just think of it, the Clinton couple in the Oval room for a second time around simply cannot work. It is too boring, too old school.

But Donald Trump is a true challenge. It has been long since a man ostensibly lacking any credential for the position is fighting for the US presidency. An aura of excitement, outrage and unexpected turns of history somehow seems to lurk behind the curtain. No doubt there are many who simply want to let him have it. If need be, we’ll clean up afterwards (or so quite a few might think).

I am a moderate person with moderate views and driven to understand both sides of any story – and of any person. It too see the downsides of a third Clinton term – and perhaps even of a continued Democratic presidency – and most certainly it is not difficult to imagine mani-fold shock waves in our world in the event of Trump’s victory. And the America that would lift him to the saddle most certainly is not the America I cherish. However, we have to face the fact that in our present time the main stream populace is entitled to some kind of satisfaction.

Rightly or wrongly, many people feel sidetracked and grossly ignored particularly in the face of estranging phenomena such as Arabic terrorism and increasing economic inequality. Clinton offers no convincing cure, nor does Trump, but at least he echoes what people feel about the many disruptions in their world.

But for Trump himself, matters become too serious now to continue his strategy of intimidation. He has to make sense somehow. You can hear his advisers crunching their brains. What should this presidency be, if ever?

I believe that Trump, no matter what he says, deep in his heart wants to secure peace. He is not a hawk for the sake of it. Nonetheless, he will wish to shake things up, probably whatever he can get his hands on. He will turn friends into enemies and the other way around. He will ignite fierce debates about the rights and wrongs in our world. All of it, in a way, despite himself.

We should not shrink in horror when thinking about the prospect of Trump. Let’s prepare, and make the best of it, if it comes to it.